Sick and without papers?

This is how we help

Medinetz Leipzig advocates practically and politically for access to medical care for all people, regardless of health insurance or residency status. We are a non-governmental, anti-racist organization. Our support is free of charge and anonymous.
Medical treatment is provided through our sister organization CABL e.V. (Clearingstelle und Anonymer Behandlungsschein Leipzig). Anonymous treatment vouchers (Anonyme Behandlungsscheine) are issued in the CABL e.V. consultation hours, which clients can use to receive outpatient medical care. Language mediation can also be organized through CABL.

In the case of inpatient hospitalization or operations, Medinetz can provide financial support for clients. Clients can also turn to Medinetz for medical interventions that CABL e.V. is not able to take over. If necessary, Medinetz can help arrange medical appointments or accompany clients to appointments.

You can easily contact us here.


In case of an emergency, the emergency room must not turn you away! That would be non-assistance of a person in danger. Sometimes, however, hospitals unfortunately require a deposit or a written declaration for patients to bear all costs themselves.

In case of an emergency, Medinetz can advise on this by telephone. If necessary, a person of the Medinetz can come along to the emergency room as support in order to find a solution together.
Here you can find more information about the legal situation in emergencies and what you should consider.

You can easily contact us here.

We don’t offer medical treatment ourselves

The Medinetz is neither hospital nor health center. We help through consultation and mediation. Therefore, we cannot offer medical treatment ourselves.
The consultation hours of CABL e.V. are staffed by a social worker and a volunteer doctor. However, CABL does not provide medical treatment, but only an initial examination and the issuance of the Anonymous Treatment Certificate (Anonymer Behandlungsschein).

Consultation hours


The office hours of our sister association CABL e.V. take place at Taubestraße 2, 04347 Leipzig, Germany. They kindly ask you to make an appointment by phone. Outside of office hours, CABL e.V. can be reached by phone during the week.

  • Tuesday: 17:00-20:00
  • Thursday: 09:00-12:00
  • at Taubestraße 2, 04347 Leipzig | 0176 – 459 821 30 | Mail

Medinetz e.V.

The Medinetz itself can be reached by telephone at any time. The telephone service is permanently manned. If you do not reach anyone at the moment, it is best to leave a message on the answering machine and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Tel: 0176 – 617 275 01

Sächsischer Anonymer Behandlungsschein

Additional consultation hours are now also available throughout Saxony from SABS. Anonymous treatment certificates can also be issued here and outpatient treatment can be arranged.


  • Tuesday from 15:30 to 17:00
  • Thursday from 15:30 to 17:00
  • in the rooms of the IZDA (Gießerstraße 26, 09130 Chemnitz)


  • Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • on the premises of SafeDD (St. Petersburger Straße 14, 01069 Dresden)


  • Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. and from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
  • on the premises of SABS (Bahnhofstraße 39, 01587 Riesa)


  • Tuesday from 16:00 to 17:30
  • on the premises of BonCourage (Kirchstraße 20, 04552 Borna)


  • further information will follow

If you need comprehensive advice but cannot come to an open consultation, we will arrange an individual appointment. This may take place near your place of residence. | 0152 015893 03 (West Saxony) | 0152 015893 04 (East Saxony) |